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Kneed teach-out as part of the
UCU Picket
We hosted a 'silent conversation' that briefly accessed a discussion about labour/time and systems of care, on the Bartlett Picket Line as part of UCU strikes 2019
As part of these conversations, we are constantly asking questions about sustainable ways of creating, ways of sustaining process rather than a product based outcome, without exhausting both ourselves and the climate within and outside of the institution. We wanted to use this workshop to try to facilitate and encourage conversation both within and between institutions, in an attempt to counteract the often-atomized experience of working and studying within higher education, especially as part of an increasingly casualized workforce.
Below are some of the responses staff and students wrote collaboratively
to questions such as: How did you make time to come here today?
Do you think daytime differs from nighttime, why? Do you feel pressured by time? Do you consider time to be a resource?
The silent conversations were followed by a reading of a manifesto (a product of the workshop 'FAAC your syllabus' convened by the Feminist Art and Architecture Collaborative).

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