What are the contexts that we are making work in?
How can the micro politics of eating/building lead to the macro politics of the bodies that occupy the sites they are in?
economy of conversation,
kneeding conversations
an ongoing collection of audio + conversations with different guests, artist, during different workshops, around the general themes of labour and nourishment.
What enables us to make work / what disables us from making work?
What are the invisible labour structures that surround our practices of work and making?

Act of kneeding/ Act of wedging audio:
recorded at Rochester Square, June 2019
Sound taken from Kneed conversation that took place at the act of kneeding/act of wedging workshop
"the big debate, do you add eggs to the flour"
"what proportions do you use, or do you do it by eye" "I always do it by eye" "help it to bind?" "yes to help it to bind"
"should it be flat, should it be a bowl, should you let rise, like a ring?"
"i should have added to the flour"
"i love how it stains your hands. the tumeric" "such a strong colour, can you add it to ceramics, add the spice to make the clay colour." "I think the colour burns" "I think the colour will dissolve over time, or mould as it reacts" "only time will tell how the vase will age".
"a lumpy, thick, not very nice tasty thing"
" i'm following a 1920s recipe of a solider during the second world war and filling of mushroom caramelised onion and dill, a lot of dill, really really dill-y"
Bread and dread:
recorded at Rochester Square, June 2019
A conversation with Leonie, Ishwari from Kneed and guest speaker Annie Metzger.
Through this conversation, we discuss the process of making bread, family recipes and the different reasons we turn to the act of baking bread.
We question what dread is, whether it's an internal feeling or an overarching shift in the atmosphere.
C.L.A.Y. Event, Kneeding Conversations
recorded at Rochester Square, October 2019
Sound taken from a discussion following a 'silent conversation' with participants about care, labour, time and space