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Kneed is a resource for arts and cultural workers trying to work sustainably, collectively and with accountability.
We explore 'kneading', as labour, process, physicality and time; as well as ideas of 'needing', as necessity, nourishment, or obligation.
Our ideas are currently rooted within trying to understand and navigate the arts and arts education under neoliberalism . Through building networks, hosting events and audio-textual conversations, we work towards a "collective sustenance", which prioritises the sustenance of our time, spaces and systems of care.

Kneed acknowledges that we are moving away from pervasive and colonising western modernist ideas of time stamping, memorialising, permanence and cement. Where we once concretised ideas, histories, powers and ideologies, physically into space and a ‘forever’ into time, now we plant seeds, ones of aversion. Kneed follows a trajectory that does not want a single moment/individual/space/thought to be owned, time-stamped and canonised.
Materially, we reiterate these events and conversations through banners, tablecloths, prints, audio-video excerpts and performances, following a trajectory that does not want a single moment/individual/space/thought to be owned, time-stamped and canonised, but repeated and reincarnated in its multiplicities.
Kindly Supported by Mayor of London's Cultural Seeds and
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